Flashcard app for windows

Five tips for making the best Flashcards

Do you panic before exams? Or do you have dreams telling you that you cannot recall anything? Well, that’s how exams enter a student’s lives. Although there are a lot of ways of performing well in your exams, such as preparing early, solving sample papers and whatnot. However, throughout the generations, it’s the flashcards that have been helping us all.

Why? Well, there are many reasons, but to start from, they are quite easy to make. They are a useful tool that you can use to recall important information. It leverages rote memorization and helps you connect the dots easily. There are many flashcard apps for Windows available for you to prepare them. However, you need to be very careful while making these because a bit here and there, and all your efforts will sink in water. Here are a few tips listed down below that will help you in preparing the best flashcards: 

Make your Own – You have a group of friends? And they circulate their flashcards all around? Well, as much as useful as it sounds but using somebody else’s flashcards might not turn out helpful for you. Your memory does not function that way. The entire purpose of flashcards is to be able to trigger your mind, and for that, it should identify with your keywords, topics and connections. It creates active neural pathways that will trigger information. It’s best to make your flashcards. If you have a wide variety of subjects to cover, then you can take help from flashcard app for Windows that will help you in organizing your information, according to your schedule.

  1. Use both Text and Visual Imagery – Do you know that our mind registers visual images much more receptively? Well, The Pictorial Superior Effect explains how our brain easily connects with pictures because they leave a lasting impact on the brain. You can connect your words with images to trigger your memory. For instance, in the case of dates or figures, you could very well use a flowchart or a graph to keep track of the information chronologically.
  2. Create Mental Connections – This is a tried and tested method of preparing flashcards as it helps in easing the process of memorizing. It does so by associating texts and images with anything that makes a connection between them and remembers your mind of this connection. Those periodic tables are quite hard to learn. Well, you could associate your favourite food or colours or anything that might intrigue (simple objects) you with the names of the elements or different authors, etc. personalize your flashcards using mnemonic devices.
  3. Keep it Minimalistic – Do not include more than one idea/question in a flashcard. The aim is to split and break down complex information into simpler keywords. Flashcards do not work to recall all the answers, but they do train your brain as to where, to begin with. Too many ideas or longer explanations might complicate things and confuse your mind. Use it wisely for remote memorization.
  4. Colour-Code your Flashcards – Do you know that it is easier to organize your flashcards using colour-coding. Well, colours are representative of different moods, you can use them efficiently to mark specific things, such as human anatomy, dates with wars etc. different coloured flashcards will also help you in separating them from one another. Use them to organize information. 
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Start preparing your flashcards early and include some of these tips. That’s it; you’re good to go! 

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