
Dipak Nandi MD Psychiatrist: Telemedicine Helping Corona Virus Patient & Providing Mental Health Treatment That You Need (TV Asia Broadcast)

With the rapid spread of pandemic corona virus huge job losses which began among people in restaurants, factories, hotel business and even with analysts and engineers have been seen globally.

In fact, according to a report some 22 million people filed for jobless benefits within a month which is what the worst rout for U.S. labor is since the Great Depression.

Causing widespread concern, fear and stress, the corona virus crisis has not only changed the work culture of the entire nation including, hotel business, IT sectors, food industry, healthcare industry etc but also altered the mental health of the peoples too.

With the social isolation and citizens being quarantine, people with mild anxiety issues are now dealing with severe cases of anxiety. Further cases of depression as well as a lot of usage of drugs related cases, are also seen increasing. This is why Dipak Nandi MD, Psychiatrists who have been helping corona virus patients & providing mental health treatment during a discussion with Dr. Renee Mehrra, have mentioned why mental health is equally important during this corona virus crisis.

As people are self-isolated and quarantine and the concern related to corona virus is leading them to gather a lot of knowledge which is severe. Since a lot of information and confusing messages are heading to processing disability and also first onset psychosis traits.

During which proper mental health care is requested like:

  • Eliminating all the unnecessary information
  • Following all your regular normal day to day routine like getting up early, having proper breakfast etc.
  • Practicing meditation
  • Avoiding drug usage as it is leading to more depression, anxiety and ending to psychosis traits.
  • Get help through the telehealth platform.
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The telehealth platform: the ultimate answer to all your solution:

Making the doctor and patient bond strong, the telehealth platform not only provides the care a patient needs but also proves to be a time saving and cost-effective solution. Taking complete responsibility from mild illness to treating mental health, telemedicine is the answer to all your solutions in this crisis time of corona virus pandemic.