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Staying On Track with Big Data Virtualization

Is it possible to move any asset without physically relocating it?

Doesn’t make sense, right?

But, that’s exactly what is data virtualization…It involves migration, storage, compute, and analysis of data from disparate sources without truly moving the data. To understand how virtualization works, you would have to earn a certificate from any recognized Big Data Training Institutes in Bangalore.

Virtualization of IT Systems

Any IT system consists of a host of hardware, software, and wired technologies that connect with each other. Thanks to advanced internet services and data speeds, IT teams have managed to specifically join hardware and software in a unique single interface, replacing the traditional need to meet with IT requirements in a physical environment.

In simple words, any virtualization platform is a single point interface that adds a level of abstraction to the Big Data Systems.

Although some experts prefer to use Virtualization in a different context of hardware-software interface and data management, the techniques have a common root.

Why Virtualize Data?

By adoption of Big Data virtualization, companies can save billions of dollars during the remote co-location data management. It also saves the cost of overhead in IT management and administration. A major trend witnessed in Cloud Deployment and Migration process has to do with the way the Virtualization climate swept the Big Data market.

Virtualization guarantees independent sandboxed management to support scalability and seamless operations in the modern Big Data ecosystem.

Enterprises spend millions of dollars in collecting, storing, managing, and analyzing data at one location. If these data storage facilities are located in multiple regions, managing them is a complex task. In addition, the layer of security and data governance puts another level of complexity and operational difficulty.

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During the pandemic, the demand for virtualized networks has exploded many times over. Thanks to the virtualization of servers and Big Data compute engines, Enterprise AI teams are able to analyze a large volume of data in real-time without risking data theft and ransomware attacks.

Open Source programming language development communities use an extensive network of Virtual Machines and Compute Engines to enhance their processing power and analytical speeds.

Containerization and Virtualization

Containers and Kubernetes are the new IT terms that have a parallel engineering development cycle to Full-stack virtualization. Most beginners do the mistake of mixing containers with virtualized systems. But, containers do make virtualization easy. For example, Docker and Linux offer advanced Container packages that make virtualization platforms such as VMware, Cisco, Google, Microsoft, AWS, and even Azure more effective in overall Cloud Migration and Serverless data management equation.

If we go by the sheer volume of Big Data innovations and investments in the last 2 years, a lot has gone into improving Container-Virtualization integrations.

Data Virtualization is one of the foundational and most economical subjects in Big Data Science. Virtualization service providers are also the leaders in Big Data markets. For example, these include global players such as HP, NVIDIA, VMware, Microsoft Azure, IBM Z, Google, Citrix, and so on.