
How To Recognize Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

Sexually Transmitted Diseases – one of the serious social and psychological problems of our time. Their social significance is determined by the high prevalence with severity of consequences for the health of sick people which is a danger to society and the impact on the reproduction of offspring. The causative agents of these diseases are transmitted from person to person mainly through sexual contact as a result of random relationships with unfamiliar people. In 1974, on the recommendation of WHO, the term “sexually transmitted diseases” was derived and abbreviated as STDs.

In recent years, the frequency of STDs has increased significantly, due to:

  • with an early onset of sexual activity;
  • with frequent changes in sexual partners;
  • neglecting the use of condoms;
  • with a lack of sex education;
  • with self-medication, etc.

Most sexually transmitted diseases respond well to treatment. Without treatment, some of them can lead to minor health problems but others lead to infertility and severe damage to the heart, blood vessels & joints. Some of the sexually transmitted infections can “sleep” in the body for a long time, without showing their presence but at the same time exert their detrimental effect on the body. It is important to know the manifestations of these diseases in order to consult a doctor in time. The earlier treatment is started, the higher its effectiveness.

Classical” sexually transmitted diseases include syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc. In addition, sexually transmitted diseases include chlamydia, urogenital candidiasis, genital herpes, viral hepatitis, AIDS, etc which can be easily detected in free STD testing West Hollywood.


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Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by pale treponema (spirochete), which occurs with periodic remissions and exacerbations as well as the formation of foci of inflammation in tissues and organs.

Infection occurs mainly through sexual contact possibly through everyday life, through kisses, bites, household items (spoons, glasses, toiletries) and can also be transmitted to offspring (congenital syphilis).

Syphilis is characterized by a perennial (without treatment) course with periods of exacerbation and subsidence.

There are three clinical periods of the disease:

Primary – a solid chancre appears in the place through which the microbe entered the human body. More often it happens on the genitals, roundish, up to a ten-cent coin, dirty gray or red in the form of an ulcer, painless. 1-2 weeks after the onset of the ulcer, the nearest lymph nodes increase (with localization of the ulcer in the mouth, the submandibular enlargements, with damage to the genital organs – inguinal). An ulcer (hard chancre) independently heals within 3-6 weeks. after occurrence.

Secondary – characterized by a symmetrical pale rash throughout the body, including the palms and soles, appearing 6-8 weeks after the appearance of a solid chancre. The occurrence of a rash is often accompanied by headache, malaise, fever (as in the case of flu). Lymph nodes increase throughout the body. Secondary syphilis occurs in the form of alternating exacerbations and remissions (asymptomatic periods). In this case, hair loss on the head is possible, as well as the appearance of growths of flesh-colored on the genitals and the anus (wide warts).

Tertiary – without appropriate treatment, irreversible changes occur in the internal organs, bones, mucous membranes and skin. Tubercles and gummas form on the skin, in the internal organs, bones and nervous system. The collapse of gum causes irreversible changes in the internal organs and body systems.

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Syphilis in pregnant women

In some women, the disease proceeds without any clinical manifestations. But more common are patients with skin rashes. Currently, a woman who is sick with syphilis can give birth to a healthy baby if she undergoes treatment in time.

Syphilis Diagnosis

At the slightest suspicion of syphilis, you must urgently consult a venereologist and pass the necessary tests.

Syphilis is an acutely infectious disease that poses a danger to others and is harmful to health, and therefore requires immediate examination and treatment in a specialized institution.

Specific treatment is prescribed for syphilis patients after diagnosis. The main area of ​​treatment is the use of antimicrobial agents active against pale treponema. A patient who has had sexual contact with a patient with syphilis should be examined and, if indicated, receive preventive treatment.

After a full-fledged specific treatment of syphilis, serological blood reactions often remain positive for a long time, therefore it is necessary to regularly see a doctor.

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