
Innovations in Electric Vehicle Charging

While Need is the mother of all Inventions, Innovation is the key to a Future’s Achievement.

This holds quite true when you look at it from the perspective of businesses. A business idea moves forward when a need for its services is recognized. At the same time, when a business truly steps over the threshold of innovation, there is no doubt an achievement for the future is coined.

An innovation that is bound to change the future and make its mark on the achievement scale, is an Electric Vehicle. The automobile industry is booming with popularity due to this invention and working steadily to supply its services across the world. But the most crucial intervention after the innovation of the EVs is the Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Processes. There have been remarkable innovations in Electric Vehicle Charging. We will be looking at the top few innovations here.

Electric Vehicle Charging

The innovation of Electric Vehicles has led to an invention of the true combatant of the climatic discrepancies. What is needed along with it is the whole set up of infrastructure to support working for a common consumer. It is quite obvious that to make the era of Electric Vehicles a success, what we need is the EV Charging provisions available to consumers as frequently on the road as the present-day petrol pumps.

A way to simplify the entire EV network was devised in the form of Electric Vehicle Charging Station Software. With this software, a consumer can keep track of the EV fleet, search for the nearest Electric Vehicle Charging Station, manage the e-billing and payment, and much more. All of this can be done through EV Charging Management Solutions available today.

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Let’s look at some of the greatest inventions and innovations in Electric Vehicle Charging.

#1. Bidirectional Charging

As the name suggests, bidirectional chargers allow the electricity to flow in both directions. While in one way the EVs can be charged by absorbing energy from the grid, the other way is to send the energy or electricity from vehicle to grid. This is a great way for consumers or EV owners to get paid. A great application of this is when solar power in excess can be harnessed and stored in EVs to be consumed at homes at a later time.

#2. Wireless Power Charging

Wireless simply means to be free from any cables in order to carry out a process. In this case, wireless charging refers to situations where a car battery, in case of running low on energy, can access the charging stations’ power without the need for the consumer to plug it in. This type of charging is action-independent.

#3. Solar Power Charging

There are special chargers being invented to help in the conversion of solar energy into electric power for EVs. Though another system of charging in the same concept involves installing built-in solar panels on the roof of the cars. Both situations involve fast charging in the presence of sunlight. Though this invention is still far from being a concrete reality, it’s a great concept in motion to be more efficient and effective.

#4. Super High-Speed Chargers

A supercharger is the one that has a higher charging to time ratio for an EV charging. Add to it an extra bout of speed and the most amazing invention is right here. If you can charge more than 80% of your car within 30 minutes, it is one great achievement to be in motion in the near future.

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#5. Independent Robotic Charging

This is an upcoming technology still in the prototyping stage due to the greater complexity of the application. This consists of a robotic arm that autonomously charges the Electric Vehicles.

These 5 greatest inventions and innovations in Electric Vehicle Charging will change the way consumers are planning on charging their EVs. Along with this, the Electric Vehicle Charging Station Software and EV Charging Manufacturing Solutions will provide the best output and consumer satisfaction within the entire EV Ecosystem. Here, at Interwork, we strive to provide the best solutions for all your technological needs. Get in touch with our experts and professionals to find your answers today.