
Tips to Remove Nose Blackheads

Blackheads are a type of acne that is mild. These are like small bumps that occur when the pores of the skin are clogged with dead skin, oily substance, and dirt. Unlike, whiteheads they are hard and have a dark surface. Many people use blackhead extractors to get rid of blackheads. Pinching and plugging out blackhead through extractor can cause scarring and damage your skin as well. It is important to use the right way to get rid of the blackhead.

Ways to Getting Rid of Nose Blackheads

Using blackhead extractors can be painful. Therefore, it is essential to learn ways to remove and prevent blackheads. You can follow these simple tips to remove blackheads

• Use of Oil-Free Sunscreen

In order to protect the skin from UV rays, people apply sunscreen according to their skin type like sensitive, dry or oily. However, it is advisable to use the oil-free sunscreen lotion/cream as the oil is one of the major reasons for blackheads. There are several oil-free options available in the market that block the UVA as well as UVB rays effectively.

• Clay Mask

For individuals with oily skin, a clay mask is an ideal choice. Clay mask breaks down the dead cells and retrieves the oil, dirt and other elements from the pores. Using it once or twice a week along with the exfoliating would help you to get better results.

• Skin Brush

Using a skin brush is also an effective way to remove the excess dead skin. There is a huge variety of skin brushes in the market. Based on your choice and budget, you can choose from the hand-held brush or whole electric-based. The major thing that you need to keep in mind is the frequency of use. It is advisable to use the skin brush only once a week as excessive use can cause irritation.

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• Cleansing

Exfoliating the face with a gentle scrub can help in removing the blackheads. It is advisable to use fragrance-free scrub that is good at sensitive skin and does not make the skin dry.

• Charcoal Mask

Active charcoal is a wonderful detoxifier. It possesses the ability to absorb oil as well as dirt from the pores of the skin. Using the charcoal mask once in a week can help you in removing the blackheads. You can easily find the charcoal masks online.

Along with these tips, there are few things that you need to keep in mind like washing the face, avoid sleeping in makeup, using noncomedogenic products, etc.

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