

Top Plumbing Tips to Follow By the Homeowner

Plumbing is generally used in various industries and for industrial installations, for the transportation of chemicals, pneumatic and compressed air systems, and for urban, industrial and agricultural water supply networks. One of its main uses is also related to building plumbing.

Building plumbing

Building plumbing is a part of a building installation and one of the most important parts in any building structure. For example, engineering water piping of buildings, in addition to increasing water pressure efficiency, results in optimal water consumption.

Building plumbing generally includes installing or rebuilding old pipes, installing packages and plumbing, installing a water pressure or hot water circular pump, pipe leakage, drainage and drainage, and installing an Iranian toilet bowl.

The building plumbing is divided into three main subgroups of water and gas piping and sewage. Each of these three core groups requires separate knowledge and expertise.

In the case of water piping, abnormal performance results in reduced water pressure or low boiler efficiency.

In the case of sewage plumbing, improper implementation results in an unpleasant odor in the building space. As a rule, it will deprive the residents of comfort and eliminate the bad smell of the toilet water only if the toilet floor is completely destroyed (especially for the toilet bowl).

Prices of building plumbing

Factors Affecting the Price of Plumbing Building

  1. Type of pipe used
  2. Plumbing area
  3. Plumbing Equipment Required
  4. Destruction
  5. Plumbing

Also, some secondary factors such as building architecture can affect the price of plumbing.

Contrary to the general belief that engineering piping a building can reduce costs by optimizing the pipeline route and ultimately reducing consumables.

water piping

In most of the old buildings the pipes and fittings used are metal water piping and the pipes used in the sewage are cast iron and its fittings are lead. Today, most of the pipes and fittings used in water piping are made of polyethylene and polyka sewage pipes. Metal pipes have a maximum life of 15 years due to decay and rust.

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Decay in the water pipe manifests itself as leakage and clogging in the water pipe, thereby reducing water pressure. Polyethylene pipes do not exhibit any of the above two weaknesses over time. The major disadvantage of polyethylene pipes is its connection.

So that if the fittings of these types of pipes, which are often made by means of thermal ironing, will be leaky shortly after the plumbing, especially in the circular pipes of the boiler. Most employers who outsource building plumbing (water, gas, and sewer) to non-specialists face this problem.

Solving the problem of low water pressure

In old buildings, water pipes were commonly used in galvanized pipes, or iron pipes. Water piping with galvanized pipes causes the pipes to become clogged with sediment, which in turn causes the problem of low water pressure, especially in the hot tub hub. Nowadays, water piping uses a polyethylene pipe or a so-called plastic pipe that does not contain any sediment.

The only weakness of the polyethylene pipe is its decay in direct sunlight. In many cases, using a water pump proportional to the number of units in the building can easily solve the problem of low water pressure in the building.

The problem of late building warming

This problem can be easily solved by using a simple circular spa circuit. As soon as the faucet is opened, a consumable spa is available. Installing a circular spa circuit requires technical knowledge and engineering calculations, otherwise the circular system will not perform efficiently and will cause the engine system to fail.


Household sewer plumbing

In the case of sewer piping reconstruction, the connection of the polycha pipes to the old cast iron pipes also requires special skill, which is likely to be leaky if the technical requirements are not met. One of the important points to consider when plumbing the sewer is the slope of the polka dot.
As a general rule, the slope of the sewer pipe should be greater than 2% (0.02) relative to the horizon. Simply put, for every 10 meters of polychaete sewer pipe the head of the sewer pipe should be 20 cm from the ground. With a simple proportionality ratio, we can determine the direct slope of the polycarbonate pipe. It is also advisable to bend the sewage pipe to a maximum of 45 degrees unless the operating conditions prevent this.

The water piping for the building and the separation of the hot and cold water piping must be carried out in the correct way. Never again.

Avoid paying for maintenance and repair of inadequate plumbing by properly plumbing the building and spending time and money initially.

Building plumbing is available at a variety of prices. Note that the cost of plumbing is different from the cost of plumbing

Important points in building plumbing systems

Building plumbing is one of the important steps in the building construction process that is of particular importance. Improper plumbing may cause problems in the future. Therefore, it should be left to a skilled person. Technical points to consider when plumbing the building are:

Firstly : Tools and Pipe Care

Since the piping of the building is carried out concurrently with the early stages of construction, it is possible to damage the pipes and tools so it is better to protect the pipes and cover them after use. Cover the piping path with cement.

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Also, pipes should not be exposed to sunlight during transport and operation, so they must be covered with a suitable insulation against the light.

Secondly : Use of sun-proof tube foam

If the tube foam is exposed to sunlight for a long time, it is imperative to protect it from sunlight.

Thirdly : Selecting the Horizontal Plumbing Path to the Floor

If plumbing is to be built in, horizontal paths should only be considered at the bottom of the building. They then enter the wall at the end of the path to reach the valves.

Fourthly : Using Original Oingers

Leakage will be a problem after a while if you do not use the original Oingers and will cost a lot to repair those parts.

You can usually buy original Oeringans from authorized dealers.

Fively : Pipe Covering in the Cold

Keep in mind that pipes that are open to the outside and that can be exposed to the cold should be covered with a suitable layer.

Because of the cold, it can cause the pipes to freeze and can also cause the pipes to burst.

If you need local plumbers near you can contact us right now. We send the best water and sanitation experts to the place you want to fix the problem with your building’s plumbing system.

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