Education Technology

Career Focus: Retail, IoT and Cloud Businesses

Business Analytics courses that focus on recent trends in CAPEX and OPEX models are slated to be the biggest enablers.

Today, we can do so much more with data and analytics compared to the trends way back in the early 2000s! If we closely monitor each of our online operations, including on social media, we would realize the kind of data and types that Big Data aggregators actually have managed to lay their hands on– and that too, for dirt cheap prices and no major challenges. For example, the likes of Microsoft, the Facebook and Google data management techniques are considered to be the world’s smartest data hacks for startups to follow. In exchange for quality conversation, real-time advertising and other simplified customer experience models, the Big Data Aggregator have turned the tide on data management — the kind of data trail we leave after every online interaction is mind boggling, if not overtly overwhelming.

Why Pick Business Analytics Courses in 2021

Irrespective of your educational background and stream of specialization during graduation or PG, anybody can start training in the Business Intelligence field. The certification from Business Analytics Courses would channelize your specialization to fit skills with analytics in the major companies that hire for talented BI professionals.

Top Blogs: Top Data Analytics Companies in India

I have picked the top 3 industries for you that are hiring top BI talent with plain graduation.


A majority of the market research firms found out that the retail sector is under sever duress due to the slowdown and ongoing recessions. The COVID-19 crisis has further blocked the sector’s growth with so many brick and mortar / physical stores being closed, or migrating to online stores.

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The top players are hiring certified business analytics professionals to understand how the trends would shape up once COVID-19 lockdowns are totally lifted. The companies that did well through online / e-commerce selling are the ones who hired top quality BI BA professionals ahead or during the pandemic.

Cloud SaaS Businesses

Cloud SaaS business vendors are among the top influencers and customers of Data Analytics and BI tools. These tools not only help Cloud makers to focus on emergent technologies but also keep a track of where data science trends are heading to in the near future. Cloud Analytics in Cloud computing makes use of highly responsive analytic algorithm in the Cloud ecosystem, meaning that the trainers get a highly professional and secured training platform, certified by the top players in the business. These include Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, SAP, SAS Analytics, HP, Tencent, Salesforce, and Uber.

56, Edge and Mobility

Internet of things is a big driver in the modern context of training with top Big Data and Business Analytics courses. A majority of professionals who enroll for certification courses in AI ML BI are either working with online data science projects or plan to do so in the next 6-12 months. Pick data science programming and analysis with Python, Octave, R, and Julia, and others.