
What to Do If Your Gums Hurts

You probably remember TV advertisements where you see a woman brushing her teeth and spits out blood in the sink. The manufacturer quickly suggests a toothpaste to solve this problem. But are these toothpaste really effective?  If these kinds of toothpaste don’t work for you, here are some reasons why.

What Is Gingivitis?

If the mucous membrane near the teeth is red, inflamed, and easily prone to injuries when brushing, this is can be a symptom of gingivitis. Sometimes it is accompanied by bad breath and painful sensations when eating. If you do not pay attention to gingivitis, the inflammation can penetrate deeper and you risk periodontitis (inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth). In this case, the so-called pockets are formed. These pockets can be filled with pus and in the last stages, the teeth start stagging and cannot be saved.

Sometimes the causes of gingivitis are associated with hormonal changes and in the vast majority of cases, can be prevented by correcting your habits. The most important things are the proper brushing and quitting smoking. 

Hygiene Issues

A large number of bacteria live in tooth plaque, irritating the mucous membrane. If the plaque is not eliminated, inflammation begins. The gums under the plaque become very sensitive causing bleeding and discomfort when brushing your teeth. As a result, it becomes impossible to brush your teeth well because they hurt and the pain intensifies due to insufficient hygiene.

Toothpaste for gum care contains two types of active substances. The first is a bacteriostatic agent which is aimed at combating microorganisms. The second is an anti-inflammatory agent which is aimed at stopping the inflammatory reaction. A toothpaste for gum care can help, but only after a professional tooth cleaning in the dentist’s office. It is completely impossible to remove plaque independently, especially if it is dense or located deep under the gum.

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Traumatic Cleaning

It is easy to injure the mucous membrane, for example, when your toothbrush is too rigid or moves horizontally instead of vertical “sweeping” movements. The gums can also be injured by flossing if you don’t act carefully. If you regularly injure the mucous membrane with floss, try switching to an irrigator to clean the spaces between the teeth. Consult your family dentist when selecting hygiene products and the right cleaning techniques.

Smoking and Fast Food

Nicotine is very harmful to the tissues surrounding the teeth. Nicotine inhibits the growth of fibroblasts (gum cells) and the formation of fibronectin and collagen proteins, which are “building blocks” of a healthy periodontium. The cells of the periodontium, exposed to nicotine grow more slowly and contain less protein. Smoking reduces the chances of successful treatment.

Eating less fast food and sugar is also important for your oral health. Improper nutrition can lead to obesity that negatively affects the health of the gums, periodontal tissues, and disrupts the healing process.

Hormones and Medicines

“Pregnancy gingivitis” is the type of gingivitis that appears due to hormonal changes during pregnancy. During pregnancy, something called gum overgrowth can occur. As result hygiene becomes difficult, plaque accumulates, and the mucous membrane becomes inflamed. A similar situation may occur in adolescents during hormonal changes. The most important thing is not to be afraid to visit the dentist and be sure to undergo professional hygiene.

Gingivitis and periodontitis can also be associated with diabetes mellitus, or the use of certain medications, especially those that provoke dry mouth like drugs for the treatment of cancer or HIV infection.

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What to Do About Gingivitis?

Before spending money on toothpaste from advertising, you should go to the dentist. Most likely, the first step will be professional hygiene, learning to brush your teeth the right way, and selecting the right hygiene products. With severe periodontitis, antibiotics or antiseptics can be prescribed. The dentist can also refer you to an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, or prescribe tests.

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