
Do you know about different kinds of Dental braces before getting one for yourself

Who can deny the fact that teeth are a very important part of our body? Besides having health importance they have a very important role in our appearance as well. Our smile, our face structure depends on our teeth. But not everybody is blessed with a perfect set of teeth. Nobody is flawless by birth, but everybody can change it. A good dentist can give you a perfect teeth structure and a beautiful smile again. Dental braces are the best way of doing that. Most of the people are aware of that; they are not harmful as well. So if you want to go through this treatment you can get it done by the best dentists. Dental braces in Carlisle is a very easily accessible treatment. You can go to any dentist nearby and can get straight teeth in Carlisle. But before that, you must know about the different kinds of dental braces.

  1. Traditional Metal Braces

As the name is suggesting, it is a traditional form of braces where metal wires are used to settle or alter the position of teeth according to the requirement. Nowadays heat-activated archwires are being used in this kind of treatment. The benefit of this addition is that it allows absorbing the body heat so that teeth can move quickly and feel less discomfort or pain while the movement. This is the most commonly adapted dental treatment and there are two reasons for that: 

  • It is very effective.
  • It is the least expensive.

Disadvantage: The disadvantage of this treatment is that it is the most noticeable. Sometimes you can feel conscious about, how you are looking.

  1. Ceramic Braces
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Ceramic braces are a kind of advanced version of the traditional braces. Rather than metallic wires, they are made up the ceramic material. The purpose is to make them less noticeable. Since the colour of the ceramic material blends with the colour of the teeth so people prefer them over metallic braces. When we talk about effectiveness, these are the same effect as that of the mental braces.


  • Ceramic braces are expensive than metal braces.
  • These braces can also get stained if not washed properly or regularly. 
  1. Lingual Braces

Lingual Braces are considered as the best type of braces among the people. These braces are just like the metal braces but dentists put these braces in the inner part of our teeth. Simply they are just inserted from the inside so that they cannot be notices.


The advantage of this setup is that these are hidden, nobody can see it.


  • These are very expensive in comparison with metallic and ceramic braces.
  • Lingual Braces are also considered less effective than that of metallic and ceramic type of braces.
  • These braces are not comfortable to handle for a patient. The reason is that they are in the direct touch of the tongue.
  • They are difficult to clean as well.
  1. Invisalign

It is a very different and distinct kind of dental braces. This type doesn’t contain wires or brackets; they use a series of custom-made clear plastic aligners. You just have to wear these over the teeth. You can easily remove or replace these aligners. Generally, the individuals require 18-30 aligners to get the desired shapes.

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  • These braces are almost invisible to others.
  • You can easily eat and drink by using this kind of braces.


This type of dental braces is the most expensive among all of the above.

  1. Self-Ligating braces

This is kind of similar to metallic braces. The only difference is that they use clips than elastic bands to hold the wire.

I hope now you are aware of different types of dental braces. Now you are free to choose accordingly. 

We are a friendly, caring relaxed specialist orthodontist practice providing a great range of the latest braces and appliance. We promise to use the very highest standards in advanced modern orthodontic treatments for our patients. Our comprehensive range of orthodontic treatments aims to correct every possible problem including gaps, crooked and twisted teeth, overbites, underbites and overcrowding.