cloud application development

Lower Costs and Higher Security – Key Benefits for SMBs To Invest in Cloud

The advent of cloud computing technologies and its rapid implementation has become one of the most valuable investments for companies in recent times. In most industries and for businesses that are focused on scaling up their operations a robust cloud-based infrastructure is extremely important. A recent Gartner study highlighted how cloud computing has become the new norm and among the organisations that are using cloud technologies more than 75% of them indicate, they have a cloud-first strategy. The shift from traditional data centres to the cloud has resulted in a substantial reduction of operational costs and an increase in technological resources.

If the previous decade initiated many businesses including start-ups and SMBs, it is likely that the new decade will cement cloud computing and technology as a business asset that requires businesses to adapt its strategies. At present future-proofing, your business cannot exclude the role of cloud technology in it.

Lower Hardware Investment

For a small or medium-sized business operation, it is important that they have a robust and efficient IT system to back their product and service offerings. Traditionally companies invested large amounts of resources to buy, maintain and upgrade their IT hardware. This was not only resourced heavy but also put many small and medium-sized businesses under a lot of pressure because of the rapid speed in which hardware systems progressed and older equipment became obsolete. The biggest offering of cloud computing and cloud-based IT infrastructure provide is a solution to this problem. Startups and SMBs can now host their content and rely on it to work without worrying about the specifics of the hardware they choose to invest in. This independence from hardware and using the cutting-edge hardware of the cloud service provider not only reduce operational costs but also enables companies to focus on their core areas of competence and leave IT back end to the experts.

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Data Security and Loss Prevention

Cybercrimes have increased not just in number and frequency but also in terms of sophistication levels. Having the resources to prevent a cyber-attack may not always be an option for many companies. This is in itself the task of an entire industry and cannot be expected of smaller organisations. One of the biggest benefits of cloud technology is that it has taken the pressure of individual businesses to safeguard their data. Third -party cloud providers do provide an enhanced level of data security as they are in a position to invest in cyber security solutions that may not always be accessible to smaller organisations. Various levels of security firewall from multiple-level authentication processes to encryption is possible and adds a lot of value for businesses with regard to storing their data on the cloud. Recovering data and preventing its loss is also made a lot easier.

If businesses need to survive today, it is important they do not overlook the importance of cloud-based technologies with regard to their resources, security and overall scalability. Companies like IT Exchange offer businesses with a wide variety of third-party cloud service providers specialized in cloud application development. With end to end, cloud solutions that offer expertise in building a company’s cloud-based IT infrastructure IT Exchange have enabled countless organisations to deliver their services efficiently. For a business today, a cloud-oriented infrastructure can in many ways make it future-proof.

Rajveer Bansal
I am a professional blogger & content writer. I'm a Die-hard lover of environment, tea & movies. In my free time, I like to explore different types of education, finance, home improvement, fashion, real estate, health and more topics.