
How Can You Reduce Your Stress With Yoga Breathing Exercises?

Stress is the lowest form of poison. It crawls erringly into a person and affects even before someone has barely noticed its harmful effects. Stress messes up with your life in unique ways; it not only affects you but also the people around you. You can handle stress beforehand by practicing yoga which can give you effective outcomes to overcome from it. There are many breathing exercises that can help you. Some of them are given below, so keep reading to know more.

  1. Padmasana (lotus pose): This is the primary pose which uses during the time of meditation to increases the self-awareness. This pose also helps you to calm down.

How to Perform:

  • Sit with crossed legs. Make sure your soles face up, and your left foot should be on the right thigh or vice versa.
  • Keep your spine straight.
  • Place your hands in the Gyan mudra.
  • Keep your eyes closed while exhaling and inhaling. Maintain the position for 2-3 minutes and then release it.
  • Sama Vritti Pranayama (equal breathing): This technique helps you balance your breath. Practice it every night before you go to bed. It eases you from the racing thoughts and improves our sleep.

How to Perform:

  • Sit with an upright spine in any cross-legged sitting posture. Keep your arms and shoulder relaxed.
  • Start the meditation with simple breathing, ujjayi breathing and avoid any type of confinement.
  • Keep the duration of exhalation and inhalation equal. Take 4 to 5 deep breaths.
  • Start doing the retention of the breath after inhaling only. After the 4 to 5 deep breaths, gradually increase the process of retention.
  • After that divide this activity into three main components- inhale, retention and exhale.
  • After that start introducing retention after exhalation. After 4 to 5 breaths, slowly increase the duration of retention after exhaling the breath.
  • Now make four equal components- inhale, retention, exhale and retention.
  • Start with duration of 5 seconds if it seems challenging you can start with 4 seconds. You can keep a count by saying om1, om2… after that, you can gradually increase the time. After practicing for a while you will find your comfortable duration.
  • Do practice for eight to ten breaths. After that, you can end the practice by coming back to a regular breathing pattern.
  • Nadi shodhana (alternate nostril breathing): This breathing method helps you clear your channels and improves your attentiveness. It helps in connecting both sides of your brain. You may also go for yoga teacher training in Nepal to get the amazing health benefits and detailed knowledge of all these asanas.
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How to Perform:

  • Sit on the floor in Sukhasana.
  • Put the thumb of your left hand on the left nostril and press, after that breathe in through your right nostril.
  • Put the fingers of your left hand on the right nostril and breathe through your left nostril meanwhile remove your thumb from the left nostril and release air slowly through it.
  • Kapalabhati (skull shinning breath): This breathing exercise focuses on the abdomen. This pose soothes our whole body and also energizes us in an efficient manner.

How to Perform:

  • While keeping your eyes closed sit comfortably with crossed legs.
  • Gradually inhale and make sure it is long enough.
  • When you are done inhaling, start breathing out forcefully and as fast as possible. Make sure the exhalation must generate from the lower abdomen.
  • You may repeat the whole thing for 1 to 2 seconds and do up to 10 times.
  • Whole breathing: This whole breathing technique is based on the entire use of our lungs. This technique provides us energy and makes our relaxation response act.

How to Perform:

  • This exercise can be divided into 3 stages: first is breathing through the diaphragm, upper chest, and mid-chest.
  • In the first step, you will feel an expansion in your rib cage and the upper section of your stomach.
  • In the second step, the ribs blew up to the sides and the area under your armpit.
  • In the third step, your chest goes up.
  • Make sure you exhale air after each step.

You may do all these asanas in the morning for amazing health benefits. You should take a sneak peek from all the hustles and bustles of your daily routine and go for a yoga retreat in Nepal to enjoy nature and relieve yourself from the stress.

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