
How Do I Get The Most Out Of Education Conferences?

GFEL Dubai 2019 is just around the corner! Top educationists, successful innovators, and policymakers from all around the world will attend this three-day event to discuss teaching strategies, EdTech tools, latest research and the learning needs of students. So, if you want to have the best experience in one of the most intense and innovative global education conferences of this year, then you must follow the ways mentioned below.

1) Strategize, strategize, strategize! 

With a little bit of preparation, you can make your time in an education conference worthwhile. For starters, go through the schedule and agenda carefully. Mark the sessions which seem relevant to you and plan your itinerary around them. 

Check the conference website of GFEL Dubai 2019 regularly for updates and read about the keynote speakers and their work. Doing this will help you to be prepared for one-on-one sessions with the experts. 

2) Arrive prepared

Global education conferences can be hectic. So, get a good night’s sleep prior to the conference and don’t forget to hydrate yourself! You will need the energy to interact with the invited delegates, listen to keynote speakers, and learn in the immersive atmosphere. 

Bring your laptops—if required—and chargers to power your devices. And yes, put your mobile  phone on silent during the sessions! Take notes and discuss about the sessions with your peers in GFEL Dubai 2019.  

3) Network!

Education conferences are a powerhouse of networking as they unite senior researchers, educationists, and tech disruptive to brainstorm, talk about the global education system and the challenges it faces in the present century. So, go up to fellow attendees and network with them.

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Face-to-face discussions with people who are interested in the same field will expand your horizons and make you aware of different perspectives. It can lead to business opportunities, new ideas, and collaborations with people who are passionate about the education industry.

But networking doesn’t have to be just for those three days. You can actually follow the education conference hashtag on social media channels and get in touch with delegates weeks or days before GFEL Dubai 2019. You can also follow them on Twitter and LinkedIn to continue conversing with them post conference, if they are interested. 

4) Question! 

Interdisciplinary education conferences provide the space for healthy discussions that are focused on implementing best practices and technologies in the field of education. Education conferences like GFEL aim to boost the average learner’s experience by getting the best brains under one roof. So, it’s important that you voice your concerns and share your opinions with decision-makers/educationists during Q&A sessions. 

Questioning is an important part of learning. Sometimes, questions are more important than the answers because they point to knowledge gaps that need to be filled by the academic community. So ask away! 

5) Talk to vendors

There might be sessions dedicated to startup pitches and booths set up by vendors in global education conferences. Make sure that you get a comprehensive understanding of the products if you seek to invest in their offerings. Collect brochures, pay attention to their presentations, talk to them personally and see whether you can get live demonstrations as well. 

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6) Try learning from award winners 

The best 2019 education conferences award people who have made significant contributions in their specific discipline. GFEL too will acknowledge and laud these eminent personalities for their passion to make a positive change in education.

As an attendee, make a mental note of their names and make sure that you look into their work. Connect with them during the networking sessions for guidance and try to learn more about their ideas because their work can inspire you to come up with something equally interesting and revolutionary. Or, their ideas might just have practical applications that can improve student retention and performance in classrooms around the world. 

An education conference can prove out really beneficial for you. Try to make the most of the opportunities that come your way by following the aforementioned advice.
Once you attend an event, do let us know in the comments section below how these points worked out for you!

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