
The Ultimate Guide To Digital Marketing Trends In 2020

A constantly evolving digital landscape demands that marketers stay updated with the latest trends that have the potential to transform brand-customer relationships. But with developments happening at such a fast pace, it can be difficult for digital marketing strategists to keep up unless they are regulars at marketing industry events.

But the digital marketing world isn’t going to wait for anyone! The year 2020 brings with it yet another wave of new tools and technologies that can take customer engagement to a whole new level. Here’s an overview of some of the trends that are going to take the world by storm:

AI becomes the norm

You must have been sleeping under a rock if you are unaware of the sweeping changes that AI has brought in a host of industries. It is also slowly making its foray into the marketing realm as innovators have realized its potential to analyze, predict and understand consumer behavior as well as spot search patterns that might appear to be random to humans.

One major change that we will definitely see in the coming months is the adoption and regular use of AI technologies by SMEs around the world to offer targetted ads to potential customers.

If you wish to get a 360-degree-view of the latest AI technologies before your competitors get to them, then make sure that you attend upcoming marketing conferences that will discuss this at length.

Next-level email marketing

It seems that the land of electronic mails will witness a huge shift in the coming months. With updates in design and changes in the way we read mails, the focus will be on creating interactive and engaging emails this year.

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Voice search integration

It is believed that more than half of the online searches will be voice-based in 2020. Many brands have shifted their focus on offering voice-powered e-commerce platforms through which customers can place orders by just speaking to their electronic systems. This is a trend that every digital marketer should keep an eye on.

Marketing events and conferences that will be held in 2020 will pay particular attention to this new phenomenon given the fact that it is still in its nascent stage.

These are some major digital marketing trends that will become mainstream in 2020. If you want an in-depth understanding of all the latest disruptions that will take place this year, then make sure that you attend international marketing events such as the MADcon conference.

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